Advanced Acting: Shakespeare is a course intended to give an overview of the works of William Shakespeare. The course will include historical information as well as ample opportunities for students to workshop and develop Shakespearian scenes and monologues.
Students are expected to come to class each day prepared to work and be respectful of others. The Shakespeare class is a safe space in which students should feel confident in exploring character, speech and movement without fear of ridicule. Students showing disrespect to peers will not be allowed to participate and will be marked down in participation points.
1st 6 Weeks: Early Modern England
2nd 6 Weeks: The Text
3rd 6 Weeks: Monologues
4th 6 Weeks: The Text (part 2)
5th 6 Weeks: Scene Work
6th 6 Weeks: Production
Grading Policy
Daily Participation 40%
Projects 30%
Journal 15%
Performance Critique 15%
Participation – Will be calculated at the end of each week. Each student will begin with a 100% participation grade, and points will be subtracted for disruptive classroom behavior.
Projects – Each six weeks will culminate in a project to be completed by the student in accordance with the grading rubric provided by the instructor. The project for the final six weeks is a Shakespeare production that will take place outside of class time.
Journal – Students will keep a daily journal, to be kept in the classroom, grades will be computed every six weeks on the basis of satisfactory participation in the journaling process.
Performance Critique – Students are required to attend one theatrical performance each semester and return a typewritten critique with an attached ticket stub or program. Students are encouraged to attend Cedar Ridge productions, but outside productions are also acceptable. Critiques are to be turned in within one school week of attending the performance.
Composition Notebook
1 Ream of white printer paper (to be brought to class)
Writing utensil and paper
Student Calendar
Syllabus is subject to changes at the discretion of the instructor.
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